07 August 2019

Bullet Journal Journey-IWSG

Aaniin.  Greetings.  Yes. It has been a great while since I posted anything anywhere.  Even on Faceb...my favorite haunt.  Well, 'cept for the occasional game I play.  I've been rather busy since I discovered the art of the Bullet Journal.  I've accomplished a great deal of the "behind the scenes" stuff that every business owner needs to do.  I wrote up a Business Plan, complete with tasks for the next year, goals for the next five and ten years.

That took a bit longer than I thought.  Weeell, I had an idea of the amount of work that needs to go into it.  It can be overwhelming, especially when one really has no idea of what one needs.  Vague ideas get one stuck in circles.  I had plans to attend the Northwoods Writer's Conference and then got the opportunity to make some extra moolah, which is something we all could use.  So, June and July has been mostly getting regalia finished.  I managed to video a part of what I'd been doing.  Working on editing that to use for something on my YouTube channel.   I've attended the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Constitutional Convention meetings faithfully for the past six months.  And have worked on refining my Bullet Journal.

I've revamped my short stories, flash fiction pieces and have almost finished the editing of Bagamose.  Amazingly, I'm pretty much on track with the deadlines I'd set for them.  I'd had to revise the timeline when I realized there was going to be a conflict with another project I began.

I will have the first of the stories and video available by the end of the month for the subscription portion of my Ko-fi account.  That was something I'd added.  I wanted to set up a store right on my website.  However, that's not currently in the works right now.  I will be setting up links to purchase my books when the "Publish" button is hit.  My plans to finish the books on Smashwords and LeanPub are nearly complete.  Mostly trying to figure out what's changed since the last time I set up the books.  I have revamped the covers using my handy dandy newest version of paint.net.

Checked out the implications of the new privacy requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation.  I don't collect such information at this time.  What is possibly stored is if you make comments to my blog posts using the standard commenting conventions available on Google, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Smashwords, LeanPub, Amazon and perhaps Instagram.  Oh, and NaNoWriMo's site.  I do have the ability to check out comments before posting.  If there are any links, I check it with my handy dandy antivirus program before posting.  Beyond that, I have no plans to collect email addresses, info, beyond the requirements the above listed sites make available to me.  Not even the recommended newsletter mailings.

Why?  Well, it's a responsibility I take seriously, ever since I first started posting on the Internet.  Cause, of course, what's posted stays posted.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have been going back through my old posts on the four blogs I have and updating them.  Still and all there is the project called "Wayback Machine" that purports to save all pages ever posted.  It is handy to use if one has the url of what you're looking for.  Which, unfortunately, I might have lost during the once or twice events of hard drive crashes I suffered through in these past 20 years I've been on the net.

Well, that's pretty much it for now, folks.  Til I get back on a more regular schedule using my Bullet Journal, taataa.

There's also a link in the sidebar if you'd like to just read, and get acquainted with some of the writers in the Support Group.

1 comment:

  1. I love bullet journals. They keep me more on task. I need that.

    Sounds like you are staying on schedule with your writing.



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