Growing up in the 60's & 70's on the rez has given me an eclectic view of life. Living away from home for a few short years has given me a great appreciation for the way I was raised. I have been given the gift of two sons, a large family, a fair amount of friends and the opportunity to add to the precious gifts I've been given.
The blog I write about my journey through the genealogical world is named Family Legacy. Niiganab, my personal Journal, contain vignettes of my life, thoughts, ramblings and is the first one I started. I was gifted my name, Niiganabiik, by my great-grandmother when I was a baby.
From there, I developed this Writer blog as many of my posts on Niiganab were going in a direction I did not want for the blog. And from the writerly journal, I progressed to actually writing books, many of them written during NaNoWriMo. Then I started developing my own world.
Just in case…Niiganabiik’s World is my fantasy world and is the setting for my fiction books, and stories. I have a blog, StoryKeeper, that chronicles events and happenings in Niiganabiik’s World. The characters and events are fictional, of course. Some characters tell their story, other times, well, it’s whatever the StoryKeeper thinks is necessary for further understanding of my fantasy world.
Rez is short for reservation. Being a rez girl, born and bred, has ups and downs, lefts and rights and circles. Yeah, a lot of circles. Miigwetch. Thanks for reading my writings. Now, I shall see where this path takes me…Giigawabamin Noongom. See ya.