31 March 2019

Plans of the Would be Author

“What are you doing?” says sis as she breezes into my living room where my computer is currently set up.

“Working on my Business Plan.”

Her face falls.  This has come to mean that I won’t be very good company for a bit.  However, last night she was happy to sit down.

“What are you watching?”

“Nothing really.  Just more to keep my connection to Netflix til I feel like watching.  Pick something.”

She’d come in just at the time I start cooking supper, which is my son’s breakfast.  He works the midnight shift.  We spent the next couple hours watching “Miracle” and it was exciting.  We both decided we’d like to attend a hockey game once.  I’d been to a few back in the day.  I’d watched a lot of hockey when I was growing up, due to the fact that the Canadian station was the only one that came in clear.  Yep, I’m getting up there as I grew up in the middle half of the last century.

If you’ve been following my posts the past couple months, you’ll know I came across a new, as well as easy, organization system.  I’d decided to put deadlines on the collection of Flash Fiction pieces I have up over on Lean Pub, with the last one scheduled for April 12.

Due to the fact that my daily posting of goals and tasks in my journal showed me the difficulty I was setting up for myself, I put those plans on hold.  Why?  Cause I’d discovered how important it is to have a plan.

Yepper, one can teach an old dog new tricks.  Or, leastways, the ideas need to percolate through until they land with unsettling force.  So, my Business Plan has been properly researched, goals and tasks written down, legal stuff is being addressed, budgets, etc.  Yeah, all the not fun (methinks, you might not) parts of the business of writing.

Part of the Business of Writing for a living I had to do was the updating of my websites, making sure I’d pick up where I left off.  I am so glad I put the restructuring page up on Niiganabiik’s World before life threw me into a tailspin.  Stay tuned for more updates.

With this part done, leaving only review and updating to-do’s, I can now focus on the fun parts of writing.  Doing the happy dance. Yay!

06 March 2019

IWSG Post 2 of 2019

Ahh, February was a very busy month.  Went by faster than usual.  I am currently involved in tribal affairs which needed to be scheduled into my writing goals, amongst other things.  For 2019, I've made these two things the priority in my life.

Grand plans.  Amongst the writing goals is writing a novel from scratch as I signed up for Holly Lisle's "How to Write a Novel" course, an editing/revising goal for one book and two collections of stories.   Amongst the tribal affairs goal involves monthly meetings and setting up targets for our objective. 

Well, seeings' how I had to do some research to see what was already out there, vs. what I thought needed to be done, this cut into a lot of plans for my writing.  I was doing writing, just not the kind of writing I'd wanted. 

I'd also started a Bullet Journal after one night of deciding to check it out finally.  I've faithfully filled this out since Christmas Day.  After two months of tracking, I've got enough to figure out more specifically how to accomplish these things. 

Then, after attending a pow-wow the last weekend of February, I got sick.  Only, I'd managed to complicate the issue by blaming my headache on the fact it might have been a migraine due to the cold weather I'd finally had to emerge into to get some shoveling done.  Not a migraine, a sinus infection on the verge of becoming something more serious.  So, enter three days of mostly sleeping as this is how I cope. 

I mention these things as I've developed a sense of guilt about the fact I've not stuck to my scheduled writing times.  So, instead of waiting until the end of March to check my Bullet Journal tracking, I've spent the past several days of enforced rest to really think about my plans and yep, have decided to keep up with the goals I have set.

I am now in the process of revising the deadlines I set for myself.   My scheduled writing blocks will now be split between my writing for self and writing for tribal affairs.  My blog posts will be set on a less demanding schedule and I've changed the deadlines for the three books I currently want finished to June. 

After speculation, I think we'll have gained enough momentum to be able to guide? advise? the tribal affair around June.  So, I've felt some of the tension leave my shoulders and neck which I also blamed on the cold.  So, we'll see how March marches on.  teehee.