22 February 2015

Late Once Again

Once again, late with the daily writing.  Been busy.  Thursday, Friday and Saturday was spent dealing with some family issues.  Had a few epiphanies regarding my writing.  Worked those into my World building.  Still letting the Storm Clouds plot simmer.  That is requiring a rewrite because my writing got off track.  A big part of it is revising the way I write.  It does follow some of the things I learned in high school-outline, figuring out what I want to say and how I want to say it.  Still, I’m a “pantser” vs. A planner.  Planning things hasn’t really been my forte.

Think that’s because “best laid plans of mice and men” has dominated my thinking all these years.  Thinking about the “plan for the unexpected” way and its effects on my way of doing things.  I often wondered how does one plan for the unexpected?  Being of a literal mind bent, I took it to mean I had to plan for every eventuality.

Course this way of thinking can, and all to often, does, leave one so caught up in every thing that can happen leaving one unable to do anything.  Which leads one to think about “taking risks” which brings to mind an image of me hopping about on one foot, leaping here and there, seeing “greener grass” yonder, trying to get to that place.  Ho!  Just thinking about that has got me thinking about taking an old lady nap.

Which brings to mind an image of me living a “laid back” kind of lifestyle.  You know the one, where a hammock is strung under the canopy of two trees full of green leaves creating dancing shadows in the bright morning sunlight.  (An image of a tall glass of some liquid keeps trying to intrude.  However, I’m too lazy to even imagine it in my hand.  It fades in and out.)

So now you have some idea of what life’s been like for me since I last posted.  Got so many things going here and there.  I really do want to get the self-discipline to finish the kind of book that I want, no, that you, no, that I want.  Rats.

So many different tips and styles of writing out there in the Big Black Hole of the time-sucking Internet designed to help me be a better writer.  Wait.  That’s not how I should think of myself.
I am an author.

Yep, that’s the image of myself I should keep in mind.  Not this writer business.  Those two images are completely different.  Complete opposites to my way of thinking.  Writer equals slogging my way through a piece of writing, has to be perfect, must get so many words done per day.  Author brings to mind so many different images.  Creative, flights of fancy, worlds, people.  Oh, so many different things to see, to do, to go.



Methinks one needs to come up with a word to describe some one who’s in the middle of these two images.  However, with my track record, methinks that’ll take some doing, some planning, some more research.  Another delightful way to procrastinate, don’t you think? Let me see if I can think of a single word to describe this new way of thinking about myself. … … Auth, nope that won’t do. … … …

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